Go for it! An active soul is a healthy soul

KiorahiBeing active on a regular basis not only has benefits for your physical health, but your overall mental and spiritual health and well-being.

It also benefits your whānau through positive role modelling and giving you more energy and vitality to pursue your goals and support others.

Making the decision to be more active takes courage, planning and determination. Koia kei a koe! Remember a little is better than none - ha pae ake te iti I te kore. Start slowly and set goals that are achievable.

Ko te mea pai mō te noho hīkaka ko te kimi i tētahi mahi pārekareka ki a koe

The best way to get active and stay motivated is to find something you enjoy. Not sure how to get started… here are some free or low-cost activities you could try:

  • Walking/Hīkoi – it’s convenient and cheap. Walk on your own or in a group.
  • Swimming or aqua fitness/Kaukau, kori tinana ā-wai rānei – there’s lots you can do in the water.
  • Dancing/Kanikani – try something new and enjoyable.
  • Gardening/Ngakingaki māra – get fresh air and fresh vegetables as well as being active.
  • Family fun/Whakangahau ā-whānau – join your tamariki or mokopuna for games in the park or backyard.
  • Traditional Māori games/Taonga Takaro* - embrace your history and culture through activities like mau rākau or poi toa.

*Free book on Taonga Takaro is available courtesy of Harko Brown.

Find some fun whānau activities on the All Right? website.

Use the Active Canterbury Activity Search to find people, classes, programmes and events in your local area!

There are also lots of local activity providers and sports clubs who would like to connect with you and your whānau, including kapa haka [PDF].

Get moving with Whānau Whanake

Whānau Whanake is focused around mentoring a holistic approach to hauora: oranga wairua, oranga tinana, oranga whānau and kotahitanga. It aims to ensure that urban Māori and their whānau can access wellbeing activities that nourish both their body and soul towards healthy lifestyles. Their approach is intergenerational and many different ways for whānau to engage are provided, as well as including reo and tikanga. 

Whānau Tinana are physical activities and sessions that encourage whanaungatanga and manaakitanga with members of Whānau Whanake or with others in their own whānau. 

A private Facebook page encourages hui, wananga and kōrero, encouring whānau from within the rōpu to be rangatira in their own communities.

Connect with Whānau Whanake to find how you can get involved.


Breathe easy with Hikitia te Hā

Focusing on our breathing is a very helpful and basic practice for becoming more mindful. Combining it with some simple actions makes it even better.

Hikitia te Hā is a simple breathing exercise that anyone can learn. Practicing Hikitia te Hā on a daily basis with simple, open-hearted attention can help make you more aware of te hā (the breath) and be more present in each moment.

Find out more about Hikita Te Hā.

Programmes to help you get active 

Kei te hiahia āwhina koe mō te whakakorikori? There are also local support programmes available which provide help with:

  • goal setting;
  • identifying suitable activities; and
  • provide ongoing support to help keep you and your whānau motivated.

Find out more about support programmes for you or your whānau